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一时大意,告别Linode Tokoy机房

因为之前我用的是 JP1 机房,所以很长一段时间内,我每个月需要支付10美金,但却只能用着5美金的配置。毕竟因为 JP1 机房对我来说线路非常不错,多花5美金也是值得。而昨天突然发现Linode 新的控制面板中提示可以升级套餐了,非常兴奋,正愁硬盘吃紧呢。可没想到乐极生悲,不小心点中了 Linode 喋喋不休一直在唠叨的迁移机房链接,从 JP1 迁出的过程是不可逆的( JP1现在只能出不能进),待我意识到自己犯了“弥天大错”的时候,一切都来不及了,只得眼睁睁的看着进度条的滚动,那一刻的我心在滴血。第一时间发工单给客服,被告知无解,无奈只能放弃。


Fremont, CA 新建了两台主机,现在正一步步的转移数据,重建网站。


原来 Linode 正式通知 JP1 在2019年6月8日即将关闭,所以即使没有这次误操作,也只能再用两个月的时间了。

We hope you're doing well! We are reaching out to inform you that on June 8th, 2019, we will begin migrating Linodes from our Tokyo 1 data center to our Tokyo 2 data center. Here's a summary of how this will affect you:

  • Your IPs will change and you can view your new IPs from the Remote Access tab of your Linode's Dashboard within the Classic Manager[1].
  • Your migration dates and times are available in the Classic Manager and they cannot be delayed. You can start your migration early by clicking on the “Enter the Migration Queue NOW” button on the Linode's Dashboard.
  • Your existing Backups will be deleted. New Backups will be taken in Tokyo 2.
  • Your Linode(s) will experience downtime of 5-10 minutes per GB of data.
  • Your Linode(s) will not be upgraded as part of this migration. You are free to upgrade your Linode(s) once they have migrated to our Tokyo 2 data center.

We are migrating Linodes out of our Tokyo 1 data center in advance of the data center being decommissioned. To help ease this transition, we've applied a credit to your account equal to one month of service for each of your Tokyo 1 Linodes. We strongly recommend you review our Tokyo 2 Migration doc[2] to help you prepare for this transition.
When your Linode(s) migrates, it will be cleanly shut down and migrated to our Tokyo 2 data center. If you initiated the migration manually, your Linode(s) will be returned to its previous state (running or powered off). You can monitor your position in the migration queue from your Linode's Dashboard.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,

本页最后更新时间:2019-04-11 Thu 09:51.
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